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    Download the data shown in the Brain Cell Data Viewer here for your own analysis. Citation and contact information for the following data sets is available in the About page.

  • Raw data on Neuroscience Multi-omic Archive (NeMO)

    Raw single-nucleus RNA sequencing and Slide-seq data are available in the Neuroscience Multi-omic Archive (; Research Resource Identification: SCR_016152) under identifier nemo:dat-aa0jwmj.

  • Slide-seq Data

    3D aligned Slide-seq spatial transcriptomics data with accompanying metadata (e.g. gene counts, aligned CCF coordinates, CCF regions).
    A README text file with additional information and sample code to load.

  • Single-nuclei (snRNA-seq) Data

    snRNA-seq data including:

    • Post-QC single-nuclei gene counts
    • Per-library metadata (e.g. dissectate, donor, sex)
    • Cell-type clustering annotations
    • Cell-type clustering summaries (mean, %Nonzero)
    • Genomic reference used
    A README file with additional information is included in the same folder.

  • Spatial Localization of Cell-Types

    An integration of both datasets from above: the mapping of the snRNA-seq clusters onto the Slide-seq beads using RCTD (see manuscript methods).
    A README file with additional information is included in the same folder.

  • Nissl Images

    Nissl images in PNG format.
    Additional raw images are available on the Brain Image Library (BIL) here and here.